A little bit about me...


Hey there!

My name is Sarah and I’m a clinical psychologist, clinical supervisor, author, mum, un-wife, business owner, and founder of Think Clinical Psychologists – I wear a lot of hats, some weeks better than others.     

I’ve always loved working as a clinical psychologist and knew from a pretty early age that it’s what I wanted to do.  When I first started in private practice, I worked a lot with kids, teens, and adults across a whole range of issues – anxiety and depression, behavioural issues, eating difficulties, work stress, relationships –  which I still do, and still love. But since becoming a mum myself, I’ve really enjoyed working in women’s mental health, and the parenting sector – helping parents to adjust to parenthood and the stressors that go along with that, coaching parents in how to best support their kids – that sort of thing. 

I think I’ve gravitated towards women’s mental health and parenting because I enjoy it, but also because I get it.  I had my own struggles with postnatal depression when my son Harrison was born, I fail regularly – and spectacularly – at perfecting my work/life balance, and even though I’m a ‘parenting expert’ – note the air quotes, they’re important – like everyone, I have my fair share of dud parenting days.  It’s impossible not to, and anyone – expert or not – who claims otherwise is lying. 

Every child comes with their own unique set of parenting challenges, and all parents struggle – yes, ALL of them.  And while there are a lot of great parenting resources out there – online and off – there’s almost too much information now days, and not all of it great.  A lot of the parenting advice I read is theoretically accurate but completely impractical, or so vague and non-specific, it creates more questions than it answers, like:

Yes, but HOW do I do that? 

What do I SAY?

And what do I do if that DOESN’T work?

There’s certainly no one-size-fits-all approach to parenting, but parenting is hard enough without having to wade through hundreds of books to find the answers you need.  And that’s why I started writing.  To help parents have the support they need – whether that’s support with parenting, or support with issues that being a parent exacerbates – that pesky need to be perfect for example, or stress associated with the juggle – and to help busy parents find solutions that actually work.   

So, let’s get started.  Find tips in my blog.  Read my books.  And ask me anything via this site. I look forward to connecting with you.